Thursday, August 31, 2017

Making in McIntyre

[Photo credit:]
McIntyre Library is embracing the maker movement, and we are interested in identifying faculty who are interested in or curious about this idea. 

A makerspace is a collection of equipment (anything from 3d printers and laser cutters to sewing machines and digital recording equipment), resources and services that give students hands-on opportunities to experiment, create and collaborate. In addition to creating a space in McIntyre Library available to all students, we plan to serve as a clearinghouse, providing students with information about other facilities available to them across campus. 

We want to hear your thoughts about what a library makerspace should offer and how it can be incorporated into the curriculum. If you are interested in joining the makerspace conversation, please register. A meeting will be scheduled during the semester. 

Library Director Search: stay tuned!

The library has received approval to conduct a search for a new Library Director. A committee consisting of library faculty and staff, as well an outside representative or representatives from the faculty or directors will be appointed.

New: Instantly book a library consultation

The Research and Instruction department has set up a scheduling service for consultations that allows students and faculty to select from a menu of librarians and times.  We hope this cuts down on the back and forth of emails and makes working with us more convenient.

The calendar will be accessible from the library homepage, where it says "Meet with a Librarian," but it can also be accessed through this URL:   The link is also featured on the library's D2L widget.

Feel free to share this with any students needing research assistance.  

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Extreme Makeover: Library Search Edition

McIntyre's Library Search got better over the summer: the functionality is the same, the content is the same, but the user-interface is clearer and frankly, much nicer to look at.

This version features more obvious and convenient prompts to sign-in if you wish to request items.  You can also see if your item is held in the UW system, and at which libraries.

The metaphor of the bookshelf for saving items of interest has given way to the pushpin, but it works the same way.

And finally, our favorite - rather than being hidden in sub-menu, the options to email, print, cite, and permalink are right out in the open on each entry: